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Architecture - LORIOT LoRaWAN Professiona Public Server


Fill out the registration form below to register your account on the Professional Public Server.

Please make sure the information you entered is correct and click on Submit.
After submitting the form you will be asked to enter the payment details.

Registration Form

  • SLA related Issues
    See the LORIOT Service Level Agreement for more details on guaranteed availability metrics: https://loriot.io/service-level-agreement.html
  • Minor issues (minor bugs, visual, etc)
  • Technical Account Manager Scheduled Meetings (Online)
  • LORIOT Technician Support
    Levage LOROT expertise from across our technicial teams to support with technical consultancy. Our Technicians are available to answer via the ticketing system any technical questions, provide debugging recommendations or best practices consultancy to ensure your project is performing optimally.
  • First Response Time (During Business Hours)
  • Technician Support Session (Video call)
    Benefit from a videocall session with our expert technician to support with technical requirements you may have that fall within our expertise.
  • Gateway Remote Access Debugging (Requires SSH access)
    Our Technicians will handle remotely accessing a Gateway to peform the actions requiried, such as, log retreival and config updates.
  • Screen Sharing Session
  • Documentation Hub
  • Support Web Portal
  • Approved Users


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  • Unlimited
  • 1 ticket/month
  • 1 ticket/month
  • Best Effort
  • docs.loriot.io
  • 1
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  • Unlimited
  • 3 tickets/month
  • Quarterly
  • 2 tickets/month
  • < 12 hours
  • 1 sessions/month
  • docs.loriot.io
  • 3
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